AIA welcomes the issuance of FAA’s Part 23 regulations today as a demonstration that aviation safety can and should be a cooperative effort between Congress, the FAA and industry. The rule overhauls airworthiness standards for general aviation airplanes, ultimately reducing the time it takes to get important safety-enhancing technologies for airplanes into the marketplace, while also reducing their cost.

While the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 and the Small Airplane Revitalization Act of 2013 directed the FAA to streamline the approval of safety advancements for general aviation aircraft, the FAA also incorporated extensive industry recommendations from the FAA’s 2013 Part 23 Reorganization Aviation Rulemaking Committee into these new regulations. AIA is encouraged by the spirit of collaboration that informed this proceeding and looks forward to additional opportunities to work with Congress, industry partners and the administration on issues of importance to our nation and the aerospace and defense industry.