Live Interactive Webcasts from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Webcast 1

Exploring the Outer Planets
December 6, 2000 from 8:30 to 10:30 AM Pacific Standard Time (PST) (16:30 GMT – 18:30 GMT)

Several webcasts are planned during Cassini’s flyby of Jupiter. These live presentations will cover this mission, and examine broader topics related to NASA’s robotic exploration of Jupiter and Saturn.

Cassini – Huygens is a joint NASA/European Space Agency/Italian Space Agency mission to Saturn and its large moon Titan. Launched in October 1997, it is currently on a flyby of Planet Jupiter, where it will receive a gravity boost to increase its velocity. This flyby is the first time that two spacecraft will be visiting the planet Jupiter simultaneously. Cassini will arrive at Saturn in July 2004, to conduct a thorough investigation of the Saturnine environment, and
deliver the Huygens probe to Titan.

Make sure you can enjoy and participate in these webcasts by being prepared well before the webcast by following these guidelines. Don’t wait until the last minute to make certain you will be able to participate:

* Real Player – You will need Real Player on your computer. Visit their website by clicking on the "Real Player Free" button above for further information on downloading a free player. Be sure to check the system requirements listed in on their website to make certain your computer is configured for handling webcasts.

* Live on the Net – Go to Live on the Net, set up an account and view other programs to make sure your system works properly for you. This is the Internet stream provider for these programs and is also free.

* The Direct URL for the first webcast is:

* Schedule – For Cassini Flyby Webcasts check this schedule, which will be updated as needed on the website.

Webcast 1

Exploring the Outer Planets
December 6, 2000 from 8:30 to 10:30 AM Pacific
Standard Time.

8:30 – 8:35

Introduction of Guests

8:35 – 8:55

Edward Stone, Director of the JPL and project scientist for the Voyager   Mission, will discuss: "Outer Planet Exploration – the Voyager Missions and   How They Changed Our View of the Solar System."

  Edward Stone is Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and a Vice   President and Professor of Physics at Caltech. He serves as Chairman of the   Board of the California Association for Research in Astronomy, which is   responsible for the W.M. Keck Observatory. He is also director of the W.M.   Keck Foundation.

8:55 – 9:05

Q & A with Ed Stone.

9:05 – 9:25

James K. Erickson, Project Manager of the Galileo Mission at Jupiter, will   discuss:  "Galileo, the Next Mission to the Outer Planets and the Extended   Life of the Galileo Mission."

  Since joining JPL in 1974 Jim Erickson’s work has included development and   operations of ground systems for the Viking, Voyager and Mars Observer   Projects, and a range of assignments on the Galileo Mission, leading to his   May 1998 appointment as Galileo Project Manager.

9:25 – 9:35

Q & A with Jim Erickson.

9:35 – 9:55

Robert Mitchell, will present Cassini Science at Jupiter and discuss   "Cassini’s Primary Mission to the Planet Saturn."

  Bob Mitchell is currently the Cassini Program Manager at JPL. Prior to this,   he worked in various roles on the Galileo Project, most recently as Project   Manager before moving to his Cassini position in June 1998. He has worked at   JPL for 35 years with assignments on many of the Lab’s flight projects.

9:55 – 10:05

Q & A with Bob Mitchell

10:05- 10:25

Overview and Final Questions

10:25 – 10:30


This webcast will be the first of four about the Cassini Jupiter Flyby hosted by Charles P. White, JPL Design Hub System Engineer.

Soon you will be able to get PowerPoint presentations at:

* Email Questions – In advance of the webcast, or during it, you can email your questions and comments to:

Brought to you by:
Cassini Program Outreach Office, in partnership with LiveOnTheNet and JPL’s Design Hub.