Exploring Mars with TES: A Data User’s Workshop

November 13-15, 2001

Arizona State University

Tempe, AZ

First Announcement – July 2001


Steven Ruff, Victoria Hamilton, and Philip Christensen – Arizona State University

Michael Smith – NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Michael Mellon – University of Colorado


There is an emerging community of scientists interested in the use of Thermal Emission Spectrometer data for exploring the surface and atmosphere of Mars. The TES data sets are both rich with potential for exciting discoveries and daunting in their scope and utilization. The tools, techniques, and knowledge that are necessary for working with TES data have been evolving since before the MGS mission and now are at a level of maturity that can be shared with the community. It is our goal to present our experience with TES data and laboratory thermal IR spectroscopy in a way that will encourage the use of both. The planned 2-day workshop is intended to be both a short course and a forum for the presentation of current TES data analysis by the community. A third (optional) day will allow attendees to visit the Granite Wash Mountains in western Arizona as part of a demonstration on the combined use of thermal IR remote sensing, field spectroscopy, and lab spectroscopy with
an eye toward present and upcoming missions.

This workshop is an opportunity for interested planetary scientists to learn about thermal IR spectroscopy specifically within the context of MGS TES data analysis. Although the agenda will focus on spectroscopy, non-spectral TES data sets such as thermal inertia and albedo will be discussed. The range of topics to be presented will benefit both new and more experienced users interested in martian surface and atmospheric science. Graduate students and post-docs are encouraged to attend. A CD-ROM containing presentation materials, submitted abstracts, and some software tools will be provided.


The workshop will be held in the newly expanded Mars Surveyor Space Flight Facility at ASU. Seating is limited to 50 people. The registration fee is $35 for the 2-day workshop and $50 for the workshop plus field trip.


Please reply to this announcement with an indication of interest by August 15. Specify whether you will participate in the field trip and whether you wish to prepare an abstract of your TES data science. A second announcement for the workshop will be sent out by August 31 containing details about abstract preparation, submission, and presentation.


A website has been set up at http://tes.asu.edu/TESworkshop.html that contains this announcement and additional details about the workshop program.