The NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Global Change Media Directory 2001 provides journalists with a ready source of international expertise on global climate change science and policy. The 343 scientists included in the updated and expanded directory represent over 50 scientific disciplines at the center of NASA’s Earth Observing System program, from ozone chemistry and natural hazards to global warming and ecosystems.

The scientists listed in this directory have expressed an interest in working with the media, and many have agreed to answer reporters’ queries within

24 hours. The directory contains a list of experts in climate change, natural hazards, ozone, water resources, global warming, and many other areas with complete contact information is available in the directory.

The EOS global change media directory is also available on-line at and click on “Media Resources.” The directory is searchable by topic, name, affiliation or location.

The EOS series spacecraft are the cornerstone of NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise, a long-term coordinated research effort to study the Earth as a global system and the effects of natural and human-induced changes on the global environment.

In 2001, NASA will launch and deploy the Aqua spacecraft, the second spacecraft in the EOS series of satellites designed to provide daily information on the health of the planet. The Aqua spacecraft is scheduled for launch no earlier than July 2001.

If you would like a copy of this media resource, contact the Goddard Newsroom at 301/286-8955;email, or Rob Gutro at 301/286-4044; e-mail