10 August 2021, Toronto, Canada – Having successfully graduated from the 12-week Moonshot program, Exodus Orbitals are aiming to make space exploration more accessible for businesses across a wide range of sectors. They are building an ambitious solution for the challenges of the space industry, offering a way for customers to run their software payloads on a shared “satellite-as-a-service” platform.


With Exodus Orbitals, businesses will no longer have to pay the price of a full satellite mission, instead saving money and time by booking time, sharing hardware and running their applications directly on the satellite on-board computer. This groundbreaking approach dramatically lowers cost for businesses and allows almost instant access for hundreds of application cases in Earth Observation, Communication and Surveillance domains.


Customers will have exclusive control of the satellite for the duration of the time they book it, to avoid scheduling conflicts and allow greater flexibility of use.


“By creating a satellite-hosted platform for software applications, we will create a new market segment in the space industry that can grow exponentially, just like web and mobile applications did on terrestrial computing platforms”, says Dennis Silin, CEO of Exodus Orbitals.


Exodus Orbitals’ recent Moonshot graduation follows the Toronto company’s successful flight-qualification of their “software-defined satellite” technology through the European Space Agency’s OPS-SAT satellite mission, launched in December 2019.


Launched in 2017, Moonshot is a specialist space-focused incubator and investment fund dedicated to ventures in areas including satellites, launch facilities, and robotics. Their incubator program set out to support ambitious startups, including Exodus Orbitals, and enable them to conduct commercial Research and Development in order to boost their technologies.


From a total of 225 interviews, Exodus Orbitals were one of eleven businesses selected for the accelerator program, with only five successfully graduating.


Making space exploration as accessible as software development is set to create a massive opportunity for growth, allowing companies in many industries, such as finance, agriculture and transportation to benefit from business-intelligence from space.






Notes to Editors


Exodus Orbitals

Exodus Orbitals specializes in development of satellite virtualization software, allowing access to observation and processing capabilities in space through a seamless, hardware- and vendor-independent “satellite-as-a-service” solution, suitable for deployment on multiple types of satellites in Low Earth Orbit and beyond. In this manner, customers will be able to access spaceborne capabilities without the costs, regulatory and engineering complexity associated with building and launching their own satellites. Exodus Orbitals is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

Web: https://www.exodusorbitals.com

Email: contact@exodusorbitals.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/exodusorbitals

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/35522580


Moonshot is a specialist incubator launched in 2017 for deep tech ventures working in areas including satellites, launch facilities, robotics, semiconductors, energy generation, or aggregation platforms for environmental data.

Web: https://moonshotspace.co/

Email: troy@moonshotspace.co


This press release was produced for Exodus Orbitals by AstroAgency. For any queries or follow-ups in relation to this story, please contact diana@astroagency.co.uk.