In March this year, ESA’s Director General Antonio Rodotà asked a committee of three “wise men” to help him with independent advice on the evolution of ESA.

The committee was made up of Carl Bildt, former Swedish Prime Minister and UN envoy to the Balkans, Jean Peyrelevade, President of Crédit Lyonnais, and Lothar Späth, CEO of Jenoptik, together representing a combination of high-level political, economic and industrial expertise.

The three examined the organisation of the public space sector in Europe and the role of ESA in that sector, the institutional relationship between ESA and the European Union and the associated potential for synergies between civil and defence aspects. They also analysed the enlargement of ESA to include Central and East European countries and market opportunities available to ESA member states in the space domain.

On Thursday 9 November, in line with the calendar for the European space strategy being prepared jointly by ESA and the European Union, the three will present their recommendations during a press conference to be held at ESA Headquarters in Paris, from 10h00 to 11h30.

Media representatives wishing to attend are kindly requested to complete the attached reply form and return it by fax to:


ESA Media Relations

Tel: +33(0)

Fax: +33(0)


Press Conference on “The Evolution of ESA”


Thursday 9 November 2000; 10h00- 11h30

ESA HQ – 8/10, rue Mario Nikis – 75015-PARIS

Doors open at 09h30


First name : _______________________________ Surname : ________________________

Media: ____________________________________________________________________

Address : __________________________________________________________________


Tel : _____________________________ Fax : ____________________________

Mobile : __________________________ e-mail : __________________________

( ) I will be attending the Press Conference on Thursday 9 November 2000.

( ) I will not be attending the Press Conference, but please send me a copy of the report.