EONS-14 Amendment 5: Updates to Section H.3.1.4 Principal Investigator

The Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) program solicits education opportunities in support of NASA’s Office of Education (OE) under the Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) for fiscal year 2014.

One change has been made to the EONS Solicitation, MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity, NNH14ZHA001N-MIRO. Section H.3.1.4 has been edited to include non-tenure track faculty members as eligible Principal Investigators of MIRO awards. The changes are below.

Principal Investigators must meet all of the following criteria at the time that the proposal is submitted:

1. Must be a tenure or tenure-track faculty member of the lead institution if a tenure system is established. Eligible four-year Institutions that do not have a tenure track will be required to submit a letter of commitment to comply with guidance provided under section H.6.2 Summary of MIRO Grantee Responsibilities, which states that any proposed change to the Principal Investigator under the agreement is subject to NASA approval.

2. Must have a Ph.D. or equivalent in an engineering, computer science, technology, mathematics, or science discipline relevant to NASA’s research needs.

On or about September 26, 2014, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement

“Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) 2014” NNH14ZHA001N will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://nspires.nasaprs.com/.

Questions concerning Appendix H, NASA MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO), may be directed to Dr. Oscar Murillo, MIRO Project Manager, Office of Education, NASAArmstrong Flight Research Center, P.O. Box 273, Edwards, CA, 93523-0273. Telephone: (661) 276-6110; E-mail: NASAMIRO@nasaprs.com