EMS Technologies, Inc.
recently delivered a spare high-gain antenna for the International Space
This space-to-ground antenna, capable of data rates of up to
75 Mbps, is used for all high data-rate transmissions and receptions to the
International Space Station (ISS).
Its 74-in diameter parabolic cassegrain
reflector carries multi-channel video as well as high-speed scientific data.

Using sophisticated materials (titanium, carbon fiber and kevlar), the
gimbaled Ku-band antenna automatically tracks NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay
Satellite System.
Its functionality complements the gimbaled S-band antennas,
a criticality-1 system used for low data-rate telecommunications, telemetry &
command (TT&C).
Two S-band antennas and one Ku-band antenna have already been
launched, delivered and installed on board the International Space Station,
ensuring complete bi-directional space-to-ground-to-space communications

This delivery is the final shipment of communications antennas for the
ISS. A total of three S-band (two on-orbit and one ground spare) and three Ku-
band antennas (one on-orbit and two ground spares) have now been delivered
from EMS Technologies’ Space & Technology Group in Montreal.

About EMS Technologies, Inc.

EMS Technologies, Inc. is a leading innovator in the design and
manufacture of wireless and satellite solutions, and focuses its unique range
of advanced technologies on the needs of broadband and mobile information
The Company is headquartered in Atlanta, employs almost 2,000 people
worldwide and has manufacturing facilities in Atlanta, Brazil, Montreal and
For more information, visit EMS on the World Wide Web at
www.ems-t.com .