In February, Space Angels Network member Ben Marcus launched, which now offers an effortless way to establish a “no-fly zone” over property, preserving and protecting residents’ privacy from drones. NoFlyZone provides a comprehensive global database of no-drone areas, supported by drone manufacturers and operators who have joined the NoFlyZone community. The database will include private properties, civil and military airspace, temporary flight restrictions, airports, schools, military installations, industrial plants, and other sensitive sites.

“Drones have grown beyond just a recreational hobby. They’re immensely popular around the world, and as usage is growing exponentially, people should to be aware of the great things drones can do for them, as well as their own privacy rights,” said Ben Marcus, founder and CEO, NoFlyZone. The concept has proved popular. In the first 24 hours of the launch, more than 10,000 people registered their properties.

Mr. Marcus has been passionate about aviation his entire life, starting with remote-control airplanes. He took his first flying lesson at age 10, and is an FAA-certified Airline Transport Pilot and Flight Instructor. Prior to NoFlyZone, Marcus co-founded leading aircraft brokerage firm jetAVIVA. He has been a member of Space Angels Network for four years.

Existing privacy laws and court rulings only go so far to protect personal privacy. NoFlyZone and the drone companies in its community are leading the way in leveraging current technology to respect individual privacy. By allowing homeowners to register their properties on its online database, the company opens communication between people who want privacy and the drone manufacturers and operators using the skies above them.

NoFlyZone will soon offer people the ability to set customized airspace access preferences. For example, individuals will be able to clarify that they do not want camera drones over their property, but they do want to receive packages delivered by drone. Some of these advanced features will be premium services, but those who register in February will receive a limited time offer of two years of all NoFlyZone services free of charge.

“Our mission is simple: To provide structure for the safe, reliable, responsible and sustainable growth of the drone industry by giving property owners a better way to interact with operators,” said Marcus. Using, individuals simply enter their address to create a virtual barrier, or geo-fence, around their property. Drone companies participating in NoFlyZone’s consortium honor the requests for privacy as they update software on their drones.

About Space Angels Network
Space Angels Network is a professionally managed global network of seed? and early?stage investors focused specifically on aerospace ventures. Space Angels Network members share a common passion for promoting the development of the private space industry and related technologies while also earning attractive returns on private investments. For the latest information, follow the company on Twitter, Google+, and Linkedin.

About NoFlyZone
NoFlyZone is an aeronautical data company serving the unmanned aircraft community. The company provides structure for the safe, reliable, responsible and sustainable growth of the drone industry by giving property owners a way to interact with drone operators, and by giving drone operators important airspace data. NoFlyZone’s comprehensive airspace database includes privacy preferences of individual property owners, enabling drone companies to deliver services while minimizing the public’s privacy concerns. For the latest information, follow the company on Facebook and at