Florida’s First Lady Columba Bush joins NASA
Administrator Sean O’Keefe Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 11:15 a.m.
EST to officially roll out the start of the agency’s
Educator Astronaut recruitment program. Hardy Middle School,
located at 1819 35th street N.W. in Washington, will host the

Dr. Adena Loston, NASA Associate Administrator for
Education, Education Specialist Debbie Brown, astronauts
Kent Rominger, Barbara Morgan, and Leland Melvin will join
Florida’s First Lady and Administrator O’Keefe.

NASA Television will broadcast the event live from the
school. The announcement will also be web cast from NASA’s
homepage on the Internet. Reporters interested in attending
the announcement should call the District of Columbia Public
Schools Communications Office at 202/442-5635.

Media representatives interested in additional information
are invited to participate in a telephone conference Tuesday
at 2:30 p.m. with Loston, Rominger, Melvin and Brown.
Reporters interested in participating should contact the
NASA Headquarters newsroom at 202/358-1600.

NASA Television is available on GE-2, Transponder 9C, at 85
degrees West longitude, vertical polarization, with a
frequency of 3880 MHz and audio of 6.8 MHz. The web cast is
available on the Internet at

Information about the Educator Astronaut Program will be on
the Internet Jan. 21 at:

Additional information about NASA’s education programs is
available on the web at:


Information about Florida’s First Lady can be found on the
Internet at:


Additional information about Hardy Middle School and the
District of Columbia School System is available on the
Internet at:
