HANCOCK COUNTY, Miss. – Representatives from NASA and the resident agencies
at Stennis
Space Center (SSC) conducted an emergency preparedness drill April 23 at the
space center.
The exercise was conducted by SSC emergency preparedness personnel, along
emergency response teams from surrounding communities of Hancock County and
Picayune, Miss.,
Hancock Medical Center and the Hancock County Civil Defense Office. It was
designed to test all
emergency systems at the center and to be used in planning for any potential
mass casualty or bio-
terrorism threats at the center.

NASA’s Clyde Dease, SSC Fire and Emergency Services director, said that the
drill was
highly successful. “This was an excellent opportunity to test all the
systems in place at Stennis used to
deal with any emergency situations that could occur,” Dease said. “It also
showed how our
longstanding relationship with the surrounding communities in providing
mutual aid can and does
work effectively.”

Dease thanked Hancock County Civil Defense Coordinator Lynette Carbon and
teams from the surrounding communities for helping coordinate the mock