DeLay, Griffin Agree on Bold New Vision for Space Exploration

WASHINGTON – Congressman Tom DeLay (R-Sugar Land) yesterday met with President Bush’s nominee for NASA Administrator, Dr. Michael Griffin, to discuss the direction of the agency under Griffin’s leadership.

“The president gave NASA a new mission, the most challenging ever attempted by mankind,” DeLay said. “With this daring comes great reward, and I am committed to continuing the fight to sell the president’s vision to my colleagues in Congress. With Dr. Griffin joining that fight, we can accomplish great things for NASA.”

In yesterday’s meeting, DeLay and Griffin both committed to supporting one another’s efforts to promote President Bush’s vision. In addition to legislative strategy, the two discussed the importance of reaching out to the public on the important work NASA is doing and the need for commercialization of space.

“In order to ensure America moves forward on all fronts – technologically, economically, and militarily – we must take the president’s plan and move forward. Without the new vision, our space program will falter,” DeLay added. “Dr. Griffin has the background and the passion to lead NASA in the right direction, and I am excited about his nomination.”

DeLay represents Texas’ 22nd District, which encompasses suburban Houston and NASA’s Johnson Space Center.