today announced the publication of “U.S. Military Space Contracts 2003”. The 75-page report presents a summary of the 179 prime contracts issued by the U.S. Department of Defense during 2002 that are of interest to the space and satellite community. In total, the value of these contracts was $ 21,294,261,329. A comparison of these figures from the prior year’s report indicates that both the number of contracts and the total value awarded rose by 4.7% and 16.8% respectively. 


According to Scott Sacknoff, President of the Int’l Space Business Council, “Many of the contracts are multi-year efforts so a direct comparison of the year-to-year figures may not be meaningful. However, research performed for the ‘2002 State of the Space Industry’ indicates that the budget allotted by the U.S. Department of Defense for unclassified space-related programs has risen more than 20% from prior years, to between $17-18 billion annually.”


According to the report, the five largest contracts issued during 2002 were:

  1. $4.5 Billion – TRW – NPOESS Satellite Program
  2. $2.15 Billion – Lockheed Martin – SBIRS High Satellite Program
  3. $2.00 Billion – Multiple Firms – Information Technology
  4. $1.75 Billion – Johns Hopkins Univ. / Applied Physics Lab – Engineering & Technical Services
  5. $1.00 Billion – Multiple Firms – Satellite Communications using the Inmarsat system

The $125.00 report can be ordered via the bookstore at 


For more information on this report, contact Scott Sacknoff at the Int’l Space Business Council at 703-524-2766 or via email at 


The bookstore offers a range of business publications and reports including: ‘The State of the Space Industry’, the International Satellite Directory, and the European Space Directory. It also features satellite training videos and the history journal, Quest: The History of Spaceflight.