Updated 8:30 p.m. EDT, Sept. 18

The Office of Personnel Management on Thursday announced that federal agencies in the Washington, DC, area will be closed on Sept. 19.

NASA Headquarters employees should follow local television and radio news for updates on the status of area federal offices. The HQ voicemail system (202-358-2700) can also be used for updates on attendance status. If you do not have a voice mailbox on the system, call 202-358-4000 for updates. You can also bookmark this Web page.

Because of the storm predictions, there is a possibility of flooding in the vicinity of the NASA HQ building. Resulting storm sewer backups may affect building drainage and backup power for IT services. In order to protect our infrastructure and be able to return it to service in the shortest possible time, we have taken the measure of bringing all services down. This means that there will be no IT services available for employees’ use.

After the storm passes, we will bring up all services as soon as possible and have everything restored no later than Monday morning. In the meantime, we will leave the voicemail system on and hope for the best that it stays up for the duration of the storm and recovery process.