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The quest to land retired Space Shuttle Enterprise at the National Museum of the United States Air Force received a major boost when Paul Noah, the publisher of the Dayton City Paper, donated a full page ad supporting the White House petition effort in the Oct. 18th LWV voters guide issue. Art work for the advertisement was completed pro bono by the Creative Fuse Initiative in Dayton.

The petition launched two weeks ago, has picked up approximately 3,500 supporters and will need to earn a total of 5,000 signatures by October 30th in order to receive consideration from the Obama administration.

“This is Ohio’s net roots equivalent of ‘Occupy NASA’ “, stated Dr. John Cavanaugh, a Columbus businessman who created the petition on September 30th in order to remedy mistakes made in scoring process for the allocation of four retired Shuttles. NASA’s puzzling decision to award Enterprise to an air craft carrier museum in New York City has raised strong condemnation from over 40 Members of Congress representing Houston, Seattle, and Dayton.

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown recently sent a letter to NASA administrator Charles Bolden urging him to reconsider his decision to send the Enterprise to NYC in light of the Intrepid Museum’s shifting plans as to where to display the Shuttle. The “We the People” petition could move the decision to President Obama’s desk if enough Ohioans demand action.

View the petition at “We The People” at