Dr. George E. Mueller, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kistler Aerospace Corporation, today announced the selection of Mr. Daniel C. Tam as Chief Financial Officer. In that role, Mr. Tam will have overall responsibility for financial management of the company, and will report directly to Mr. Randy Brinkley, the Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Tam’s responsibilities will include management of relations with the investment community, financial planning and reporting.

Randy Brinkley, Chief Executive Officer, enthusiastically endorsed Mr. Tam’s selection as Kistler’s CFO, commenting, “I could not be more pleased and excited by Dan’s decision to join the Kistler Team. I have known Dan for more than ten years, and have worked closely with him in positions of executive leadership in both government and industry. His extensive experience in financial management and in formulating collaborative business relationships between the investment community, industry and government to introduce and grow cutting edge aerospace technology will be great assets to Kistler. His addition to our team will help us move forward with our financial restructuring and with the market introduction of the K-1 reusable launch vehicle.” Mr. Will Trafton, President and Chief Operating Officer, also expressed his praise of Mr. Tam and commented that, “Dan has a proven track record in both government and industry and we are fortunate to have him on the team.”

Prior to joining Kistler, Mr. Tam was Vice President, Operations and Finance, for AOPTIX Technologies, Inc., which uses patented adaptive optics to deliver mobile, high-speed systems for secured communications, imaging, and directed energy applications, serving both government and commercial customers. Before joining AOPTIX in 2003, Mr. Tam was Strategic Account Manager with Network Appliance Inc. (NetApp), developing and managing corporate relationships between NetApp and selected government and aerospace accounts. From 1975 to 2002, Mr. Tam held various executive positions with TRW (now Northrop Grumman) and NASA in finance, operations, and program management capacities. He was Deputy Program Manager of the International Space Station Program, where he was responsible for all business requirements and performance. He also served as Assistant to the NASA Administrator, leading the Agency effort to increase and accelerate the commercial uses and applications of high-leveraged and high-priced national assets.

Following the announcement by Kistler’s Board of Directors, Mr. Tam commented, “I have always had great respect and admiration for Dr. Mueller and his team. I have had good working relationships and business success with Mr. Brinkley and Mr. Trafton, both in government and industry. I am humbled and honored to be part of the Kistler family and have the opportunity to play a role in making the Kistler K-1 a reality.”

Kistler Aerospace Corporation is in the process of finalizing its Plan of Reorganization to enable it to emerge from Chapter 11 with the support of its largest creditor, Bay Harbour Management LLC.

For more information on Kistler and the K-1 vehicle, contact: info@kistleraero.com