During the 3rd annual Cyber Space Day
Webcast on May 4th, millions of children across the country and around the
world will use interactive technology to hear, first hand, about Living and
Working In Space.
The three-hour Cyber Space Day Webcast will allow children
to personally interact with our nation’s space pioneers to learn about the
history, challenges and future of space exploration.

The Webcast will introduce children to everything from intergalactic teeth
brushing, breakfast in zero gravity and visions of space travel in the 21st
Cyber Space Day will be broadcast live from 12:00 noon-3 p.m. EST
from the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum on Space Day.

Engaging and informative, Cyber Space Day will feature adults and children
who are caught up in the excitement of space exploration including teams of
students from across the country who will present their innovative solutions
to the Space Day Design Challenges.
During the program, Space Day Partners
will also unveil several exciting new educational initiatives and national
space-related contests.

Hosted by Miles O’Brien of CNN and Carole Simpson of ABC, the Webcast will
feature astronaut and former Senator John Glenn and Dr. Sally Ride, the first
American woman to fly in space, among other space explorers.
Students will be
able to pose questions live to the Webcast guests, take Space Day quizzes and
participate in the first-ever Space Day survey.
To maximize participation,
students can also participate in Cyber Space Day chat room during the Webcast.

Cyber Space Day will be broadcast on the World Wide Web from 12:00 noon to
3:00 p.m. EST and can be accessed via the official Space Day Web site:
Each hour will be devoted to the following:

  • Hour One: A Day in Space

    Hosted by Miles O’Brien of CNN, the first hour will begin with Senator
    John Glenn and Dan Goldin, NASA Administrator.
    Other guests will include Dr.
    Kathryn Clark, Chief Scientist for the International Space Station (ISS);
    Daniel La Bry, Senior Vice President of the Challenger Center for Space
    Science Education and NASA astronauts who are training to live and work aboard
    the ISS.

    Thanks to a special tour of the “Living in Space” exhibit at Space Center
    Houston, viewers will learn how a crew lives aboard a space ship.
    will be shown how to eat, drink and bathe in space and experience some of the
    techniques that astronauts use in space for such simple activities as brushing
    their teeth.
    In Hour One, the first student Design Challenge team will
    demonstrate their solution to the water purification challenge.

  • Hour Two: Challenges in Space

    Hosted by Carole Simpson of ABC, Hour Two will focus on the many
    challenges of working in space including the problem of communication.
    will include General John Dailey, Director of the Smithsonian’s National Air
    and Space Museum; Dr. Sally Ride, first American woman to fly in space and
    President of SPACE.com; Dr. Valerie Neal, Curator of post-Apollo human space
    flight at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum; Phil West, NASA’s
    Project Manager of Extravehicular Activity Tools for the International Space
    Station, and several NASA mission specialists.

    Student guests will include several young people from Georgia whose
    butterfly experiment flew on the Space Shuttle STS 93 in 1999.
    A student
    Design Challenge team that successfully solved the communication challenge
    will demonstrate their solution and take questions from the audience.

  • Hour Three: Where Do We Go From Here?

    Hosted by veteran broadcast journalist, Melinda Wittstock, the final hour
    will explore what the next generation may learn from space exploration in the
    21st Century.
    Guests will include NASA futurist John Connolly; Dr. John
    Charles, the man responsible for the health and welfare of NASA astronauts in
    their long-duration space flights; Dr. Bernard Harris, former astronaut and
    Vice President for Science at SPACEHAB Inc.; Andrew Chaikin, author of A Man
    on the Moon and Executive Editor at SPACE.com.

    A student Design Challenge team that produced an innovative solution to
    keeping fit in space will be interviewed.
    Special guests will include the
    recipient of the newly established Freida J. Riley Award in honor of the
    teacher who inspired the “Rocket Boys.”
    Their story was told in the movie,
    October Sky.

    Cyber Space Day is produced in cooperation with the Smithsonian’s National
    Air and Space Museum, the Johnson Space Center, Space Center Houston,
    SpaceWatch.com and Starport.com.
    Space Day is an annual celebration dedicated
    to the extraordinary achievements, benefits, and opportunities in the
    exploration and use of space.

    The Cyber Space Day Webcast will be fully interactive and available on the
    Internet through a 28.8 modem or faster connection.
    The RealPlayer software
    needed to see and hear the Webcast can be downloaded in advance for no charge
    at www.realplayer.com.
    After the live event, the Webcast will be archived and
    posted on www.spaceday.com.