Constellation Services International, Inc. (CSI) announced today that it has been awarded a $2.3 million
prime contract to study its LEO Express(SM) Space Cargo System for launching supplies to the International Space Station (ISS). The award was made
by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center as part of the Alternate Access to Station (AAS) program, a multi-year effort enabling commercial ISS resupply
services to supplement the Space Shuttle and other nations’ ISS delivery vehicles.

“In selecting us from a highly competitive field, NASA has acknowledged the merit of our innovative approach,” stated Charles Miller, CSI’s President
and CEO. “We plan to bring standardized containers to a new geographic location – Low Earth Orbit (LEO).”

Over the last 50 years, standardized containers have transformed cargo transportation across the entire surface of the Earth. CSI and its teammates will
further define and validate CSI’s patent-pending commercial approach to extend this same revolution to space transportation.

“Our approach applies off-the-shelf technology to create standardized containers that can fly on a broad variety of existing and future launch vehicles,”
stated Benigno Muniz, Jr., CSI’s Chief Technical Officer. “This eliminates the risk of depending on any single launch vehicle or any single launch site.”

CSI has subcontracted with several leading space firms to participate in this study of the LEO Express (SM) Space Cargo System: ARES Corp., Muniz
Engineering, Inc., and Oceaneering Space Systems of Houston, TX; bd Systems Inc. of Huntsville, AL; Princeton Synergetics, Inc. of Princeton, NJ;
International Space Brokers Corp. of Washington, DC; and Tether Applications, Inc. of Chula Vista, CA. Commercial launch services will be investigated
for the CSI team by: Boeing Expendable Launch Service of Huntington Beach, CA; HMX, Inc. of Redwood City, CA; and Kistler Aerospace Corp. of
Kirkland, WA.

CSI was founded in 1998 with the purpose of providing orbital services including satellite retrieval, repair, and servicing. For more information on CSI
and the LEO Express (SM) Space Cargo System, call +1-818-710-3877, visit our Web site at, or send email to

“LEO Express” is a trademark and service mark of Constellation Services International, Inc., 5850 Canoga Avenue, Suite 400, Woodland Hills, CA
91367 U.S.A.