Space Adventures can now offer clients a way to supplement Soyuz payload, starting in 2008

Alexandria, VA, May 4, 2006 —Constellation Services International, Inc. (CSI), announced today an agreement with Space Adventures, Ltd. under which the space experiences company will offer their orbital spaceflight clients the option of additional cargo delivery to the International Space Station (ISS), using CSI’s LEO ExpressSM Space Cargo Service.

“We look forward to offering our clients flexibility in the amount of materials that can be transported to the ISS. The LEO ExpressTM system is a viable near-term option for the pre- delivery of significant research experiment materials, multi-media hardware and other supplies that our clients would like to utilize during their stay aboard the space station,” said Eric Anderson, President and CEO of Space Adventures.

“The unique benefit of the LEO ExpressTM system is our low-risk, evolutionary approach: we use proven hardware and existing U.S. launch vehicles to deliver the earliest possible service, which is what customers like NASA and Space Adventures want,” said Charles Miller, President and CEO of CSI. “Later, as newer, more efficient launch vehicles and spacecraft prove themselves, we can rapidly adopt them to provide even better value to our customers.”

“CSI is delighted that Space Adventures has added their endorsement to the high marks NASA gave the LEO ExpressSM service on our System Design Review in 2003,” Miller added. “We look forward to working with NASA as part of their Commercial Orbital Transportation Services program to develop this important new capability to transport cargo to ISS.”

CSI, a commercial orbital services firm, is leading a team of aerospace companies with world- class expertise in ISS operations to develop a reliable, economical, and flexible ISS cargo resupply system with initial service in 2008.

CSI has offices in Woodland Hills, CA, Alexandria, VA, and Houston, TX. Space Adventures, Ltd. is headquartered in Vienna, VA with offices in Cape Canaveral, FL, Moscow and Tokyo.

“LEO Express” is a trademark and service mark of Constellation Services International, Inc.

Contact: James Muncy
Address: 4539 Seminary Road, Suite 101
Alexandria, Virginia 22304
Phone: 703-370-4539 (office)
202-425-7154 (cell)