Today the National Space Council announced that Eric Stallmer, President of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF), was among the the candidates selected to serve on the National Space Council’s Users Advisory Group. CSF applauds the National Space Council for including the Commercial Spaceflight Industry’s voice on the User Advisory Group.
“I’m honored to serve on the National Space Council’s User Advisory Group, representing America’s ever-expanding and innovative commercial space industry,” said Eric Stallmer, president of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation. “I look forward to supporting the National Space Council by advancing the commercial space industry’s ideas towards our shared goal of accelerating America’s economic expansion and leadership in space by streamlining regulations and leveraging public-private partnerships.”
The Commercial Spaceflight Federation is the leading voice for the commercial spaceflight industry. Founded in 2006, CSF and its 80+ members are laying the foundation for a sustainable space economy and democratizing access to space for scientists, students, civilians, and businesses. CSF members are responsible for the creation of thousands of high-tech jobs driven by billions of dollars in investment. Through the promotion of technology innovation, CSF is guiding the expansion of Earth’s economic sphere, bolstering U.S. leadership in aerospace, and inspiring America’s next generation of engineers and explorers.