The Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF) announced eleven new Associate and Executive memberships have been effectuated over the past few months. Four Associate Members – Arizona State University (ASU), Planet, Qwaltec, and Vector Space Systems  —  have elevated to Executive Membership and will serve on the CSF Board of Directors. Axiom and Deloitte have joined CSF as new members at the Executive level.

“We welcome the further engagement from ASU, Axiom, Deloitte, Planet, Qwaltec, and Vector which will add to the industry’s collective voice at the CSF Board level,” said CSF President, Eric Stallmer. “We look forward to increased participation and continued guidance from our membership on issues and priorities that will further define the commercial industry’s impact in what is anticipated to be a milestone year for space.”

In addition to our six new Executive Members, CSF also gained five new Associate Members:  Leo Aerospace, Momentus Space, Rob Baker & Associates, Spinlaunch, and Xplore. “As always, increased participation from industry partners brings fresh ideas and solutions that will continue to enhance the development of the commercial spaceflight industry. We look forward to a prosperous year working with our members,” said Stallmer.