The Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF) applauds Chairman John Thune, Ranking Member Bill Nelson, Space Subcommittee Chairman Ted Cruz, Space Subcommittee Ranking Member Gary Peters, Senator Tom Udall, and the entire Commerce, Science, & Transportation Committee on favorably reporting the NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2016 (S. 3346).

“The Commercial Spaceflight Federation appreciates the time, effort, and dedication the Senators and their staffs put into developing this bipartisan bill,” said Eric Stallmer, CSF president. “We will continue to work with the Senate and House to get a bipartisan, bicameral bill passed into law that supports the significant space endeavors being undertaken by NASA and commercial partners.”

The Commercial Spaceflight Federation is the leading voice for the commercial spaceflight industry. Founded in 2006, CSF and its 70+ members are laying the foundation for a sustainable space economy and democratizing access to space for scientists, educators, civilians, and businesses. CSF members are responsible for the creation of thousands of high-tech jobs driven by billions of dollars in investment. Through the promotion of technology innovation, CSF is guiding the expansion of Earth’s economic sphere, bolstering U.S. leadership in aerospace, and inspiring America’s next generation of engineers and explorers.