Computer Sciences
Corporation, through a subcontract with SGT Inc., of Greenbelt,
Md., has been selected to support SGT’s Program Analysis and Control contract
with NASA. As the sole subcontractor to SGT, CSC will provide project
management support to the space agency at Goddard Space Flight Center in
Maryland. CSC estimates the maximum value of its agreement with SGT at
$45 million over five years.

About 60 CSC employees will work at Goddard providing project planning and
scheduling and configuration management services under the agreement in
support of many of the agency’s ongoing space missions at Goddard.

“CSC is proud to continue its support of the Goddard Space Flight Center,”
said Dave Ziobro, vice president of NASA Programs at CSC. “Our strong project
management background, our 32-year history of support at Goddard and the
strength of our team will help us deliver superior services to NASA.”

Founded in 1959, Computer Sciences Corporation is one of the world’s
leading information technology (IT) services companies. CSC’s mission is to
provide customers in industry and government with solutions crafted to meet
their specific challenges and enable them to profit from the advanced use of

With approximately 90,000 employees, including more than 26,000 from the
company’s March 7, 2003 acquisition of DynCorp, CSC provides innovative
solutions for customers around the world by applying leading technologies and
CSC’s own advanced capabilities. These include systems design and
integration; IT and business process outsourcing; applications software
development; Web and application hosting; and management consulting.
Headquartered in El Segundo, Calif., CSC reported revenue of $11.3 billion for
the 12 months ended Dec. 27, 2002. For more information, visit the company’s
Web site at .