Computer Sciences Corporation
announced it will team with QSS Group, Inc. on a five-year
contract to provide support to NASA’s Ames Research Center at Moffett Field,
The $128.3 million, cost-plus award-fee contract has been awarded
to the Maryland-based QSS Group, Inc., in which QSS is the prime contractor
and CSC is a major teaming partner.

CSC will provide staff with high-end information technology skills in
areas such as automated learning, knowledge management systems, artificial
intelligence, autonomous systems and model-based reasoning in support of the
contract at NASA Ames Research Center, located in the heart of California’s
Silicon Valley.
CSC values its share of the award at approximately
$26 million.

The work requirements, as stated in specific performance-based contract
task orders, will support scientific research, the development of technologies
and the building of applications in several areas of advanced information
systems in pursuit of NASA Ames’ Computational Sciences Division’s program
The division supports NASA’s Space Science Enterprise, the Human
Exploration and Development of Space Enterprise, the Earth Sciences
Enterprise, the Aero-Space Technology Enterprise and a variety of NASA’s
aeronautics and space transportation programs.

“This is a very exciting area for CSC to support NASA,” said Michael
Laphen, president of CSC’s Civil Group.
“Our company will leverage its
corporate expertise in information technologies to provide the best value
along with QSS, and SAIC.
We are delighted to continue our 30-year
partnership with NASA and support of Ames’ missions.”

Located at Moffett Field, California, NASA Ames Research Center was
founded December 20, 1939 as an aeronautical research laboratory by the
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA).
In 1958, the center
became part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), along
with other NACA installations and Department of Defense facilities.
Ames is
NASA’s Center of Excellence in Information Systems technologies, encompassing
research in supercomputing, networking, numerical computing software,
artificial intelligence and human factors to enable bold advances in
aeronautics and space.

Computer Sciences Corporation helps clients in industry and government use
information technology (I/T) to achieve strategic and operational objectives.
With 57,000 employees in more than 700 offices worldwide, the company tailors
solutions from a broad suite of integrated service and technology offerings,
including e-business strategies and technologies; management and I/T
consulting; systems development and integration; and I/T and business process

Since its formation in 1959, CSC has been known for its flexibility in its
relationships with clients.
Through numerous agreements with hardware and
software technology firms, the company is able to identify and manage
solutions specifically tailored to each client’s needs.
CSC had revenues of
$9.1 billion for the twelve months ended December 31, 1999.
Its headquarters
are in El Segundo, California.
For more information, visit the company’s web
site at