Sarah Keegan

Headquarters, Washington, DC

(Phone: 202/358-1902)

Tammy Jones

FAA, Washington, DC

(Phone: 202/267-3462)

RELEASE: 00-196

Quick – without looking it up – what’s significant about
December 17, 2003? If your immediate answer isn’t that it’s the
100th anniversary of powered flight as first demonstrated by the
Wright Brothers, hopefully that will change. Just check out:

The US Centennial of Flight Commission has launched this Web site
to get the word out on the history and future of powered flight
and keep track of events planned to celebrate the upcoming
anniversary. The site also features a section dedicated to
educational activities and programs related to the past, present
and future of flight.

One of the special features of the site is the calendar. It will
track all events related to the centennial of flight, the history
of aviation, and aviation in general. Visitors to the site can
propose events for inclusion via the “submit an event” button.

The US Centennial of Flight Commission was set up by Congress to
provide recommendations and advice to the President, Congress and
Federal agencies on the most effective ways to encourage and
promote national and international commemoration of the centennial
of powered flight. Its six members represent the First Flight
Centennial Foundation of North Carolina; Inventing Flight: Dayton
2003 of Ohio; aeronautical societies, foundations and
organizations outside of Ohio and North Carolina, represented by
the President of the Experimental Aircraft Association; the
Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum; the
Federal Aviation Administration; and the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration.

For more information contact the Commission through its Web site
or at 202-FLT-1903.