Officials with The Conrad Foundation today announced ManSat Limited, a global commercial space corporation headquartered on the Isle of Man , has joined with the Conrad Foundation to expand the 2010-2011 Spirit of Innovation Awards program on the international stage.

ManSat will sponsor a national competition on the Isle of Man from which one finalist team will participate in the annual awards competition, which gives high school students the opportunity to design, develop and commercialize innovative products that help solve challenges of the 21st century. Working in closely with Island’s Department of Education and Children, ManSat employees will mentor the student teams from the Island five high schools as they prepare their award entries. The winning team will travel to the Innovation Summit, where the finalists will be showcased and winners will be announced. The Summit will take place at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. in April 2011.

“The partnership with ManSat broadens the Spirit of Innovation Awards and the Innovation Summit to a worldwide level, contributing to global awareness of the importance of technology and innovation,” said Foundation Chairwoman Nancy Conrad.

“I was delighted to learn that ManSat has decided to provide such generous support which will stimulate the minds and focus the activities of our students. This project fits in well with my own view that we should encourage creative activity and also emphasize opportunities available in other areas, rather than the traditional avenues available to local students. To be successful as a nation we must be receptive to change and I am sure that this program will encourage more open minds.” said Mr. Eddie Teare MHK, Minister of Education.

Mr. Ian Jarritt, ManSat’s Finance Director and Education Lead for Schools Programs, said, “To be able to have Manx School compete for the Spirit of Innovation Award is wonderful as it adds a whole new dimension to the space education programs on the Island. We hope this will be a valuable and fulfilling experience for the students who choose to compete.”

“As a local space company on the Island, we’re just happy to bring this new opportunity to Manx Students and we’re sure they will make the most of it and will excel at the international finals at NASA next April. We’d like to sincerely thank both the Conrad Foundation and the Department of Education for helping us to make this happen,” said ManSat’s Chairman and CEO, Manxman, Chris Stott.

About ManSat

Established in May 1998, ManSat Limited is a Manx registered and owned private company, headquartered in Onchan on the Isle of Man with offices and representation in both Houston and London. ManSat represents a revolutionary partnership of aerospace, banking, financial services, strategic consulting and international legal interests that have come together to offer unique business services to the world’s commercial space marketplace.

About The Conrad Foundation

The Conrad Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation designed to energize and engage students in science and technology through unique entrepreneurial opportunities. The Foundation builds upon the legacy of heroes in our past to nurture the heroes of our future. By enabling young minds to connect education, innovation and entrepreneurship, The Conrad Foundation provides a bold platform for enriching human capital.

Media Contact:

Julie Arnold, Griffin Communications Group
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