After the release of the final report by the Review of Human Space Flight Plans Committee, chaired by Norm Augustine, Congresswoman Suzanne Kosmas (FL-24) issued the following statement:

“While I am in the process of reviewing the Augustine Committee’s final report, our earlier briefings confirm my belief that the President has both the obligation and the opportunity to reignite our nation’s passion for space exploration. His leadership and strong support for our human spaceflight program, combined with sufficient funding, are necessary for us to maintain our international leadership, protect the knowledge base of our highly-skilled workforce, and inspire a generation to excel in science and technology for the 21st Century.

“Without question, NASA needs additional funding to conduct meaningful space exploration that will have long-lasting scientific, technological and economic benefits. In addition, aspects of our national security depend on our continuing pre-eminence in space exploration. My colleagues and I have requested that the President shift unallocated funds from the Recovery Act to give a $3 billion boost to NASA. I will keep fighting to provide the resources necessary to ensure a robust human spaceflight program, but we need firm goals and a steadfast commitment to human space exploration.
“I urge the President to quickly affirm to every American that we will continue leading the world in space by pushing the boundaries of exploration so we can inspire, invent, and achieve for generations to come.”