Congressman Chaka Fattah, Ranking Member on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and related agencies, which includes NASA, released the following statement on the announced departure of NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver:

“NASA is losing an invaluable leader today. In her role as NASA Deputy Administrator, Lori Garver has been an unrivaled champion and defender of space exploration, guiding and implementing the Commercial Crew program, the re-establishment of the Space Technology Mission Directorate, and so many more of the Administration’s space priorities.

“Lori and I share a passion for space technology and I’ve had the honor and pleasure of partnering with her on several cutting-edge space initiatives. She is a true visionary who inspires those who work around her, and she leaves NASA a stronger, more efficient, and more innovative agency. I commend her longstanding dedication to advancing and strengthening NASA’s mission, and ensuring the United States continues to be a world leader in space exploration. I have no doubt that Lori will continue to be a friend to the space community.”