(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Representative Dave Weldon (R-FL) voted in favor of the final FY 2005 federal spending bill, which cleared the House today. Included in the measure was legislation that will fund NASA. In January, President Bush requested NASA be funded at $16.2 billion. This includes Florida-specific programs like Space Shuttle, International Space Station (ISS) and will enable NASA and industry to begin work on the Constellation Crew Exploration Vehicles, which will be integrated and launched from Florida.

“Today the Congress puts its stamp of approval on the President’s Vision by fully funding NASA. I am proud that Congress also states that Space Shuttle Return to Flight is NASA’s top priority and the essential first step for the Vision,” said U.S. Rep. Dave Weldon, M.D.

In addition to proving funding, the legislation calls on NASA to provide near term and detailed reports on the future direction on Shuttle, ISS, future launch needs and the eventual transition to new human-rated space vehicles.

FY 2005 is the fourth budget presented by President Bush and shows a clear upward trend in terms of funding for NASA.

Weldon concluded, “I want to thank Chairman Young, Leader DeLay and President Bush for working hard and showing leadership on making sure NASA was priority this year. It is clear that a Republican Congress and a Republican Administration view space as a priority, reversing the downward funding trend of the last Administration. This is great news for the agency and to all the people working at KSC.”