The Commercial Spaceflight Federation applauds NASA’s selection of 25 promising space technologies through Space Technology Mission Directorate’s Flight Opportunities program (FOP).

The Flight Opportunities program enables low-cost access to the spaceflight environment for students, researchers, and technologists on commercial low-gravity simulating aircraft, high-altitude balloons and reusable suborbital rockets. The selected technologies will play a key role in NASA building out its technology roadmap towards commercializing LEO and supporting the Artemis program. 
“As a growing number of commercial space companies are providing low-cost and frequent access to suborbital space for humans and research payloads, it is important to fully utilize the Flight Opportunities program to realize its game-changing power,” said Eric Stallmer, President of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation.  “This award announcement is another important step towards achieving that goal. We heartily applaud and thank Administrator Bridenstine and his STMD & FOP leadership team at NASA, Jim Reuter and Christopher Baker, for their support and partnership.”