The Commercial Spaceflight Federation is excited to announce two new members have joined at the Associate Level: Deep Space Industries and Parabilis Space Technologies.

“Our newest members represent the diversity of the rapidly growing U.S. commercial space industry,” said Eric Stallmer, President of CSF.  “CSF’s growing membership is a testament to the benefits of combining American ingenuity and private sector capital to enable new innovations and expand the United States’ leadership in space. We are excited to add these two new and unique voices to our team.”                                                                                            

Deep Space Industries is a space transportation company developing and building technology that dramatically lowers the cost of access to deep space, according to CEO, Bill Miller. Deep Space Industries is developing a unique, low-cost spacecraft capable of conducting deep space science, exploration and commercial missions from GEO to anywhere in the inner solar system, at a fraction of today’s cost.  A key component of the strategy is the development of high performance, launch safe rocket engines, which are already being sold to satellite manufacturers around the world.

Parabilis designs, develops, tests, and flies small spacecraft solutions and affordable propulsion systems (including thrusters and small launch vehicle stages). Parabilis has offices in San Marcos, CA and a propulsion test facility in Lakeside, CA.

The Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF) is the leading voice for the commercial spaceflight industry. Founded in 2006, CSF and its 80+ members are laying the foundation for a sustainable space economy and democratizing access to space for scientists, students, civilians, and businesses. CSF members are responsible for the creation of thousands of high-tech jobs driven by billions of dollars in investment. Through the promotion of technology innovation, CSF is guiding the expansion of Earth’s economic sphere, bolstering U.S. leadership in aerospace, and inspiring America’s next generation of engineers and explorers.