The Commercial Spaceflight Federation is excited to announce the addition of two new Executive members and one Associate member.

“The commercial spaceflight industry is innovating and developing at an ever-increasing pace,” stated CSF President Eric Stallmer. “With the recent expansion of membership, our organization continues to grow with industry to represent the vibrant commercial spaceflight sector.”

“The Commercial Spaceflight Federation board unanimously approved the new members, all of which are driving innovation in commercial space. The inclusion of these new members will strengthen the unified voice of the industry, making our organization a more effective advocate for commercial interests,” added Frank DiBello, Chairman of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation.

Joining as Executive Members are:

Midland International Air & Space Port: Midland International & Space Port is the first U.S. commercial spaceport to be co-located with a major commercial airport. This provides access to modern terminal facilities and allows for easy access to direct flights as well as a growing metropolitan area with many amenities. The Midland Development Corporation can provide active business support and economic incentives for diversified companies that establish and retain jobs in the area. Texas’ regulatory environment makes the available sites at the Midland Spaceport Business Park a prime setting for office space, R&D and manufacturing. These collective benefits are attracting a growing cluster of innovative aerospace companies and a strong labor market of engineers and technical workers with transferrable skills.

World View Enterprises, Inc.: World View Enterprises, Inc. is pioneering a new frontier at the edge of space. Their vision is to take Voyagers (be they private individuals or those traveling for research, educational or other scientific pursuits) on the journey of a lifetime. With their proprietary high-altitude balloon flight system, World View offers an accessible, affordable way to access near space. World View is now offering unmanned platforms and is currently developing a manned system to access the space frontier.

Joining as an Associate Member:

Planet Labs: Planet Labs creates commercial and humanitarian value with a unique, global remote sensing network. Fresh data from any place on Earth is foundational to solving commercial, environmental, and humanitarian challenges. Their plan for global, daily imagery combined with a powerful web-based platform will unlock the ability to understand and respond to change at a local and global scale.