HOUSTON – The Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) will host a
safety seminar with nationally recognized safety professionals from industry
and academia, April 27-28, at the CAIB headquarters to raise their awareness
of industry and organizational safety standards and practices.

As part of their investigation into the cause of the Columbia Shuttle
mishap, the board will meet with Dr. Nancy Leveson, Dr. M. Sam Mannan, Allan
McMillan, James Wick, Dr. David Woods, and Deborah Grubbe to discuss NASA’s
safety management and programs, decision-making processes, and culture. They
will also review risk analysis and risk management in addition to reviewing
accident investigation models, safety culture, metrics, indicators and
decision-making processes.

Panel Members:

  • Dr. Nancy Leveson is a professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Dr. M. Sam Mannan, is a professor at Texas A&M University and director of the Mary Kay O’Conner Process Safety Center.
  • Allan McMillan is executive vice President, chief operating officer, National Safety Council.
  • James Wick is Corporate Safety and Health Manager, Intel Corporation, Chandler, Arizona.
  • Dr. David Woods is a professor at Ohio State University and co-director, Cognitive Systems Engineering Laboratory.
  • Deborah Grubbed is Corporate Director – Safety and Health, Dupont.

The event is closed to the media and public.