The Coalition for Space Exploration is pleased retired Marine Corps Gen. Charles Bolden and Lori Garver were confirmed by the United States Senate as NASA’s new administrator and deputy administrator, respectively. President Obama has selected a strong leadership team at a pivotal time for NASA.

On Monday, July 20, as the world salutes the 40th anniversary of humankind’s first footsteps on the moon, it’s important that our country renews its commitment to maintaining its leadership in space. Under the solid and capable leadership of Bolden and Garver, the agency is in good hands to help shape and balance the priorities of America’s civil space agenda.

The Coalition looks forward to working with NASA’s new leadership team and is eager to support the agency as it attends to our nation’s space exploration objectives. Along with the White House and Congress, NASA can forge a path into the future – a trajectory that addresses the retirement of the Space Shuttle fleet and the transition to its successor, the Constellation program, as well as fully supporting and utilizing the International Space Station.

About the Coalition for Space Exploration

The Coalition for Space Exploration is a group of space industry businesses and advocacy groups that collaborate to educate and inform the public and Congress on the value and benefits of space exploration and to help ensure the United States remains a leader in space, science and technology – key factors that benefit every American, strengthen our nation’s economy and maintain our national security.