Recent developments concerning the economic stimulus bill are cause for serious concern for NASA’s funding needs. A vote in the Senate is imminent and the outcome for NASA is imperative. NASA needs robust funding and the agency was poised to receive $1.5 billion from the Senate stimulus package, which would have been a step in the right direction. Now, a proposed 50 percent cut puts NASA’s programs at risk and in potential turmoil.

The Senate has an opportunity to provide the resources NASA needs to accomplish the goals laid before it. This could be the first step to adequately fund our nation’s space program, which has gone from four percent of the federal budget during the Apollo era to less than one percent of the budget at present. NASA programs and the contractors who support them represent approximately half-a-million highly skilled jobs in key states across our country. Another blow to the NASA budget only means delays, hampered programs, reduced benefits to U.S. citizens and unmet goals.

How can we expect an agency that, as Coalition for Space Exploration research has shown over the years, is valued by the majority of Americans to function on so little? Now is the time to support NASA. Now is the time for a stimulus package that begins to fund our space exploration programs well. Now is not the time to once again shortchange NASA.

About the Coalition for Space Exploration:

The Coalition for Space Exploration is a collaboration of space industry businesses and advocacy groups whose mission is to educate and inform the public on the value and benefits of space exploration and to help ensure the United States will remain a leader in space, science and technology – key factors that will benefit every American, strengthen our nation’s economy and maintain our national security.