WASHINGTON, D.C.  The Coalition for Space Exploration is grateful for the strong bipartisan leadership demonstrated by Chairman Shelby and Vice-Chairwoman Mikulski in support of our nation’s space exploration program in the FY 2016 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations bill advanced by the committee today. The emphasis and priority placed on the exploration systems and space science missions that will help return American astronauts beyond low Earth orbit for the first time in more than 40 years represents the Committee’s continued commitment to U.S. leadership in space.

We recognize that the Chairman, Vice-Chairwoman and members of this Committee worked under a very challenging budget allocation to prioritize funding for exploration programs, and we appreciate their focus on completing the human exploration systems and advanced space science programs that will ensure America remains the uncontested leader in space exploration for decades ahead. This bill, along with the strong exploration funding in the House CJS bill, represent a continued bipartisan and bicameral commitment to NASA and its exploration program.

About the Coalition for Space Exploration

The Coalition for Space Exploration is a group of space industry businesses and advocacy groups that collaborates to ensure that the United States remains the leader in space, science and technology by reinforcing the value and benefits of space exploration with the public and our nation’s leaders, and building lasting support for a long-term, sustainable strategic direction for space exploration.


Julie Arnold

Griffin Communications Group

(321) 313-1770 (mobile)
