The Coalition for Deep Space Exploration (Coalition) notes with sadness the passing of former Texas Congressman Ralph Hall. Congressman Hall was widely known as a true friend to his colleagues, and a caring, funny and hardworking representative of his district. During his tenure on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, where he served as both the Chair and Ranking Member, Congressman Hall led the way for NASA’s return to a sustainable space program to inhabit and develop the Moon and Mars, and to achieve other space exploration and science goals for the Nation. In 2011 Chairman Hall asked the first and last Americans to walk on the Moon – Neil Armstrong and Gene Cernan – to educate his Committee and the Congress of the needed measures to further our national leadership in human space exploration and development. His request prompted conversation from them and other technical experts about which programs and goals the United States should pursue to ensure our nation remained the global leader in space. 
“Congressman Hall was a tireless public servant, and a man of kindness and generosity of spirit. He was also a man of vision and dedication whose focus never wavered from the good of the Nation and its future,” said Dr. Mary Lynne Dittmar, President and CEO of the Coalition. “We extend our sincere condolences to the Hall family and to the people of his district who he represented so long and so well.”
About the Coalition for Deep Space Exploration
The Coalition for Deep Space Exploration is a national organization of more than 70 space industry businesses and advocacy groups focused on ensuring the United States remains a leader in space, science and technology. Based in Washington D.C., the Coalition engages in outreach and education reinforcing the value and benefits of human space exploration and space science with the public and our nation’s leaders, building lasting support for a long-term, sustainable, strategic direction for our nation’s space program.