The Coalition for Deep Space Exploration applauds the Senate’s passage of the NASA Transition Authorization Act. The Act unequivocally demonstrates the continued, bipartisan support in Congress for our nation’s deep space human exploration and science programs.

The bill continues the policies established in the 2005, 2008, and 2010 Authorization Acts, while making updates to reflect the significant progress that has been made on key NASA exploration capabilities, including its exploration rocket, the Space Launch System (SLS), the Orion human exploration spacecraft, and exploration ground systems. It also expresses continued support of the International Space Station (ISS), low Earth orbit transportation systems, and space science programs such as the James Webb Space Telescope. Additional provisions focus on a range of key issues including science missions, mission planning for deep space and efforts to improve institutional efficiencies and security.

“There is no clearer signal of the continued Congressional support for NASA’s human exploration and deep space science programs than the Senate’s passage of the NASA Transition Authorization Act,” said Dr. Mary Lynne Dittmar, the Coalition’s Executive Director. “This bill is the product of hard work by Senators Thune, Nelson, Cruz and Peters, as well as the full Commerce & Transportation Committee and their staff, and their work to pass this bill before the 114th Congress adjourns shows their commitment to NASA and ensuring continued progress on NASA’s core exploration capabilities.”

About the Coalition for Deep Space Exploration

The Coalition for Deep Space Exploration is a national organization of space industry businesses and advocacy groups focused on ensuring the United States remains a leader in space, science and technology. Based in Washington D.C., the Coalition engages in outreach and education reinforcing the value and benefits of human space exploration and space science with the public and our nation’s leaders, building lasting support for a long-term, sustainable, strategic direction for our nation’s space program.