Clyde Space has been awarded funding for two advanced space technology development projects. The projects are joint developments; the first with the Advanced Space Concepts Laboratory at University of Strathclyde and the second with Mars Space Ltd in Southampton. These projects are part of the UK Space Agency’s National Space Technology Programme (NSTP) where twenty-nine projects are receiving grant funding to develop commercial products and services using space technology or space-derived data and are part of the pace for Growth’ competition lasting between 6 and 9 months.

Feasibility of Novel Optimal Attitude Planning and Control algorithms for low cost spacecraft
Our project with the Advanced Space Concepts Laboratory is titled; ‘Feasibility of Novel Optimal Attitude Planning and Control algorithms for low cost spacecraft’ and will involve optimisation of algorithms for control of CubeSat attitude, furthering the work already completed at Clyde Space on existing CubeSat ADCS product. The project will also see the development of a CubeSat ADCS test-bed to help to evaluate and calibrate novel attitude control concepts. We are very much looking forward to continuing to build on our excellent research and development relationship with the University of Strathclyde.

Extension of pulsed plasma thrusters lifetime for CubeSat applications

With Mars Space Ltd, we are continuing what has been a very fruitful development partnership in advanced, miniaturised electric propulsion systems for CubeSats and nanosatellites. This development project follows on from an ESA contract where mars Space and Clyde Space produced a prototype micro pulsed plasma thruster for CubeSats. The work proved that it is possible to double the orbital life of a CubeSat in a sub-International Space Station orbit. it would also be possible to alter the CubeSat orbit for the development of constellations. This technology will be essential to realise the potential of CubeSat constellations in future. This project will take the technology forward to a flight ready prototype. Clyde Space is responsible for the development and manufacture of the high voltage control electronics and Mars Space are the project lead and are responsible for the thruster head.



Craig Clark
Clyde Space


CubeSats are tiny fully functional satellites with typical mass of 4kg and dimensions of around 100mm x 100mm x 340mm. CubeSats typically piggy-back on other launches and can be flown within a year of inception. The rapidly increasing capabilities of CubeSat related technologies, commercial availability of these and the low relative costs opens up a large number of possibilities for carrying out detailed space science studies.

Clyde Space

Clyde Space is a leading supplier of small satellite, nanosatellite and CubeSat systems. We design and build high performance power subsystems, DC-DC Converters, lithium polymer batteries and high efficiency solar panels, typically for small satellite missions. Clyde Space is a World-leading CubeSat vendor, and pioneered the CubeSat Shop – an online shop for satellites and subsystems. The company is also producing an advanced CubeSat mission, called UKube-1, for the UK Space Agency which will carry 5 payloads and will launch 2012.