Dear NASAQuest Members,

Classroom Connect is almost a “household” term with educators who integrate
Internet resources and many of you are probably already familiar with their web site and
products. See

NASA Quest is teaming up with Classroom Connect for a very special week, March 13-17, for
Classroom Today’s Focus of the Week: The Men and Women of the Space Team Online.
Twelve men and women of NASA will be featured during this exciting week of interactive
chats and web casts!

Visit to find out the complete details!

More events scheduled for March 13-17, 2000:

* Learning Technologies Channel HUD and NASA partner to Close the Digital Divide

* Women of NASA/Women’s History Month QuestChat-Forum with Sandy Meske
* Women of NASA/Women’s History Month QuestChat with Gwen Young
* Aerospace Team Online QuestChat with Roxana Greenman
* Space Scientists Online QuestChat with Therese Kucera
* Learning Technologies Channel and the Space Team Online WebCast and Chat
* Learning Technologies Channel “The NASA CONNECT Series”-Proportionality: Modeling the Future
See for full schedule of events.

Please share this information with your learning community!

Jan Wee, Moderator of the NASAQuest Mail List