Join NASA Quest for some big events this week!

April 26 – all day
NASA’s virtual take your daughters to work day – Out of this world.- This Thursday

From astronauts to aquanauts join us all day for interactive webchats, webcasts and forums featuring our nation’s coolest, brightest, most intriguing and talented women and men who develop and utilize breakthrough technologies that benefit our world! The highlight of the day will be a webcast hosted by Bonnie, our high school student correspondent, featuring an interview with Astronaut Susan Helms, who is living in orbit on the International Space Station.

Other featured events include NASA’s research and technology in: Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD),
hearing impaired,
expert research divers and submersible pilots for the “deep-worker” and the inventor of the 3D Virtual Astronaut simulator! Also, Astronaut Susan Helms’ mother, Dorie Helms, will participate in a webchat following this webcast. She has 4 daughters, 6 granddaughters + 2 on the way, and is a retired teacher.

Events begin at 7:00 A.M. PST and run until 5:00 P.M. PST

From 4/6 – 4/26

you are invited to submit your best question to Astronaut Susan Helms. Susan Helms is the first female to reside on the International Space Station and will remain in orbit for five months. NASA will select the best questions to ask Susan Helms during our live interview hosted by Bonnie, our Young Women of NASA Advisory Council correspondent.

Friday April 27, 2001,

10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Pacific

Join NASA and the Stanford SOLAR Center in a special webcast where students will present results from a variety of solar activities and discuss their findings. The webcast format will allow students and teachers from across the country to interact with their student peers in our California NASA Ames Research Center auditorium via the chat-room and compare results from other schools. We’ll also have guest scientists on hand to help answer questions.

See you on-line,

The NASA Ames Education Technology Team.