Backnang, March 1st, 2022: Effective March 2022, Thomas Reinartz assumes the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Ralph Schmid becomes a member of the board. Ralph will take over the position of Chief Programs Officer (CPO) on April 1st, 2022.

Thomas Reinartz has been gaining extensive experience at the Airbus Group since 1996. Among other things, he was responsible for several departments in managerial positions, most recently in the role of Head of Marketing at Airbus Defense and Space GmbH. In his new role, Thomas Reinartz will succeed Dr. Marc Steckling, who will take over Space Exploration for Airbus Defence and Space.

Ralph Schmid has gained extensive experience in managerial positions at TESAT since 2011. In his most recent position as Head of Operations, he has extensive experience and knowledge of TESAT’s fields of activities. He is very familiar with the processes at TESAT and thus ensures a smooth handover. In his new function, Ralph Schmid succeeds Ralf Zim-mermann, who will take over the division “moon programs” for Airbus Defence and Space.


At TESAT in Backnang, around 1,000 employees develop, manufacture and distribute systems and equipment for telecommunications via satellite. The product range spans from smallest space-specific components to modules, entire assemblies or payloads. As the world’s only provider and technology leader of in-orbit-verified optical terminals for data transmission via laser (LCTs), TESAT has a focus on commercial and institutional space programs.


Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG

Gerberstraße 49

71522 Backnang


Nina Backes

Head of Communications, Exhibitions & Fairs

+49 7191 930 – 1126