Washington D.C. – Science, Space, and Technology Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today announced the roster of Republican Members to serve on the Committee in the 114th Congress. The Members will be formally appointed by the full House of Representatives at the start of the 114th Congress.


Chairman Smith: “In the next Congress, the Science Committee will build on its record of success to promote policies and pass legislation that shape America’s future. The Committee’s goal is to make scientific research stronger and more relevant to our nation and its people.


“We will continue to advocate for transparency and accountability at our federal science agencies. And we will promote principles that hardworking Americans overwhelmingly support, such as ensuring that environmental regulations at the EPA are based on publicly available data. And the National Science Foundation should provide a public explanation for how taxpayer-funded research grants are in the national interest.


“The Committee will also continue to seek bipartisan policy solutions that support our nation’s space program, encourage energy independence, expand scientific education, fund basic research, and advance the development of new technologies. These are areas that will strengthen our economy and raise every American’s standard of living. I look forward to working with my new colleagues who bring diverse talents and a wealth of expertise to this Committee.”


Chairman Lamar Smith (Texas)

F. James Sensenbrenner (Wis.)

Dana Rohrabacher (Calif.)

Frank Lucas (Okla.)

Randy Neugebauer (Texas)

Michael McCaul (Texas)

Steven Palazzo (Miss.)

Mo Brooks (Ala.)

Randy Hultgren (Ill.)

Bill Posey (Fla.)

Thomas Massie (Ky.)

Jim Bridenstine (Okla.)

Randy Weber (Texas)

Bill Johnson (Ohio)

John Moolenaar (Mich.)

Steve Knight (Calif.)

Brian Babin (Texas)

Bruce Westerman (Ariz.)

Barbara Comstock (Va.)

Dan Newhouse (Wash.)

Gary Palmer (Ala.)

Barry Loudermilk (Ga.)


Established in 1958, the Science, Space, and Technology Committee has jurisdiction over all non-defense federal scientific research and development. The Committee has jurisdiction over programs at the following federal agencies: NASA, the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Highway Administration, the Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate, the U.S. Fire Administration, the United States Geological Survey, among others.