WASHINGTON – Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Chairman of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Science and Space, today applauded NASA’s announcement that July 26 has been approved as the return to flight launch date for Shuttle Discovery.  She also urged patience and safety over impatience to fly. Her statement follows:

“I am pleased NASA has now approved a return to flight date – a date that will mark an important milestone in space exploration for the United States. It took dedication and hard work by NASA to get us safely to this point.

“While we are all anxious to return to flight, we must make the safety of our astronauts our top priority. NASA has initiated new and extensive measures to improve safety and mitigate risk in preparation for Shuttle Discovery’s launch, the first flight following the Columbia tragedy. 

“While the scrubbed launch was a disappointment, it shows that the system works.  I look forward to Discovery’s launch but urge patience as we await our safe return to flight.”