On Thursday, September 22, at 7:00 AM PDT | 10:00 AM EDT | 14:00UTC (International Times: http://bit.ly/2cNA88N), Slooh will host a special broadcast celebrating the changing of the seasons around the world. Slooh will be joining together with The Old Farmer’s Almanac to witness the moment of the September Equinox, shepherding in Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring in the Southern. The broadcast will be anchored by live, up close views of our Sun from Slooh’s Solar Telescope at their flagship observatory at the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, and will feature live views of the Sun from around the world.

During the broadcast host, Paul Cox, will be joined by a series of expert guests, including Dr. Gail Higginbottom from the University of Adelaide in Australia. Dr. Higginbotton recently used innovative technologies to analyze the great stone circles of the United Kingdom, and found a connection between them and the movement of the Sun and Moon. For centuries, historians have believed the great stone circles found all over the world, in countries from Australia to America to the famous Stonehenge in England were built to mark the movement of the Sun at moments like the Solstice and Equinox. Dr. Higginbottom will join the broadcast to discuss her research, and what first got her started on the path to proving the motives of ancient humans.

Paul will also be joined by Janice Stillman, Editor of The Old Farmer’s Almanac. Janice will discuss some of the long-held cultural beliefs and traditions surrounding the Equinox. She’ll also be on hand to crack the popular belief that you can balance an egg on its end during the Equinox.

Slooh Astronomer and Astronomy Editor for The Old Farmer’s Almanac, Bob Berman, will then join the show to break down the basics of the Equinox, and help the audience understand why Day and Night aren’t actually equal, and why this year’s Equinox is so late this year.

This broadcast marks the latest installment in a partnership between Slooh and The Old Farmer’s Almanac, with a mission to connect each other’s audiences to the miraculous ebb and flow of nature as caused by celestial bodies; moments of wonder we all take for granted but are no less delighted to be exposed to again and again.

Viewers can ask questions during the show by sending them to @Slooh on Twitter, or by joining us in our live chat on Slooh.com.

Event Details

Event Timing:

Live Stream starts: 7:00 AM PDT  ¦  10:00 AM EDT  ¦  14:00UTC
Live Stream ends: 7:45 AM PDT  ¦  10:45 AM EDT  ¦  14:45UTC

International Timing: http://bit.ly/2cNA88N 

TO WATCH SLOOH’s live coverage:

About Slooh

Slooh connects humanity through communal exploration of the universe. We gather people around live telescopes to see space for themselves and share their diverse perspectives. Since 2003, Slooh’s automated observatories have processed celestial images in real-time for broadcast to the Internet. Slooh members have taken over 4-million photos/500,000 FITS images of over 50,000 celestial objects, participated in numerous discoveries with leading astronomical institutions and made over 3,000 submissions to the Minor Planet Center. Slooh’s flagship observatories are situated on Mt. Teide, in partnership with the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC), and in Chile, in partnership with the Catholic University.  Slooh has also broadcast live celestial events from partner observatories in Arizona, Japan, Hawaii, Cypress, Dubai, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Norway and many more. Slooh’s free live broadcasts of potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs), comets, transits, eclipses, solar activity etc. feature narration by astronomy experts Paul Cox and Bob Berman and are syndicated to media outlets worldwide. Slooh signed a Space Act Agreement with NASA in March 2014 to “Bring the Universe to Everyone and Help Protect Earth, Too.”

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