This October 4-10, the world will have a very special celebration of the contributions of space to humankind. It will be the 10th celebration of UN-declared World Space Week.

You are invited to amplify your outreach by participating in the largest public space event on Earth. World Space Week is the best time every year to get your space-related messages to the public, students, teachers, employees, government, the media, and other audiences.

To participate, simply schedule space-related programs during October 4-10, promote them as part of World Space Week, and enter them in the global calendar. In doing so, you would join organizations in over 60 nations. With each new event, all participants benefit from the increased global attention to space that week.

In 2009, World Space Week has a special focus on youth. With the theme “Space for Education,” participants are encouraged to inspire the next generation using the excitement of space, and educate the educators about the value of space in the classroom.

Designed by noted space artist Pat Rawlings of SAIC, the World Space Week 2009 poster captures the powerful inspiration of space on children.

You can help deliver this important message by putting this year’s poster in classrooms by October 4. Teachers, parents, and community-minded organizations can order the poster and can also download free World Space Week teacher guides.

World Space Week National Coordinators can receive free copies of the poster thanks to a grant from the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs.

The poster is imprinted in the 6 official UN languages. The artwork without text is also available for use where other languages are spoken.
Get the 2009 Poster