[Commerce Business Daily: Posted in CBDNet on August 13, 2001]

[Printed Issue Date: August 15, 2001]

From the Commerce Business Daily Online via GPO Access



CLASSCOD: A–Research and Development

OFFADD: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 214.4, Greenbelt,
MD 20771


SOL RFP5-04616-502

DUE 082901

POC James Debelius, Contract Specialist, Phone (301)286-0055,
Fax (301)286-0341, Email James.M.Debelius.1@gsfc.NASA.gov –
Thomas Russell, Contracting Officer, Phone (301)286-2885, Fax
(301)286-0341, Email Thomas.S.Russell.1@gsfc.NASA.gov

DESC: NASA/GSFC plans to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) 5-04616-502,
on a sole-source basis, to The Johns Hopkins University/Applied
Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) for the STEREO Mission Phase C/D/E
Effort. JHU/APL shall provide the design and fabircation of
two STEREO spaceraft; integration of the two STEREO spacecraft
along with NASA-supplied scientific instruments; testing of
the observatories; support for integration of the observatories
on the launch vehicle; and mission operations. The Phase C/D
effort has a three year eleven month period of performance
beginning January 1, 2002, and ending 30 days after the launch
of the observatories. The observatories are scheduled for launch
on November 15, 2005.

The Phase E effort has a two year period
of performance beginning December 15, 2005, and ending December
14, 2007. The total period of performance for the Phase C/D/E
effort is five years and eleven months. The statutory authority
permitting other than full and open competition for this procurement
is 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1), Only One Responsible Source.

mission part of NASA’s Sun-Earth Connections program aimed
at improving mankind’s understanding of the origins of solar
variability, how that variability transforms the interplanetary
medium, how eruptive events on the sun impact geospace, and
how they might affect climate and weather. It is one of five
Solar Terrestrial Probes called for in NASA’s Space Science
Enterprise Strategic Plan.

The STEREO Spacecraft will be launched
into heliospheric orbit. The principal science objectives to
be addressed in the STEREO mission are: to understand the origin
and consequences of Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s); to determine
the processes that control CME evolution in the heliosphere
by tracking CME driven disturbances from the Sun to Earth’s
orbit; to discover the mechanisms and sites of solar energetic
particle acceleration; to determine the 3-D structure and dynamics
of coronal and interplanetary plasmas and magnetic fields;
and to prove the solar dynamic through its effects on the corona
and heliosphere.

STEREO is a Solar Terrestrial Probe Program
mission selected in November 1999 and currently in Phase B
of the mission. The Phase B effort ends December 31, 2001.
The Mission Pre-Confirmation Review was held in June 2001 with
pre-confirmation approval immediately following. The Mission’s
Preliminary Design Review will be held in December 2001.

is currently providing a system overview of the entire STEREO
mission, spacecraft definition, instrument interface coordination
and definition, and detailed plans for the development of spacecraft
and ground systems, including cost estimates, implementation
plans and technical documentation. In addition, Phase B activities
include: thermal and radiation analyses; breadboard verification
of design; procurement long-lead parts; and detailed design
of several modules.

The Government recognizes that there are
numerous companies that can provide the hardware and services
required to ensure a successful STEREO mission. However, no
company could complete the required work within the available
timeframe in order to meet the November 15, 2005, scheduled
launch date for STEREO. The Government does not intend to acquire
a commercial item using FAR Part 12. See Note 26.

organizations may submit their capabilities and qualifications
to perform the effort in writing to the identified point of
contact not later than 4:30 p.m. local time on September 4,
2001. Such capabilities/qualifications will be evaluated solely
for the purpose of determining whether or not to conduct this
procurement on a competitive basis. A determination by the
Government not to compete this proposed effort on a full and
open competition basis, based upon responses to this notice
is solely within the discretion of the government. All responsible
sources may submit a proposal which shall be considered by
the agency. See note 22.

An Ombudsman has been appointed, See
NASA Specific Note “B”. Any referenced notes can be viewed

at the following URL: http://genesis.gsfc.NASA.gov/nasanote.html

LINKURL: http://nais.msfc.NASA.gov/cgi-bin/EPS/bizops.cgi?gr=D&pin=51#RFP5-04616-502

LINKDESC: Click here for the latest information about this notice
EMAILADD: James.M.Debelius.1@gsfc.NASA.gov

EMAILDESC: James Debelius

CITE: (D-225 SN50U7C2)