Join the Cato Institute, ProSpace and the Space Frontier Foundation on
March 15, 2001, for a day long conference on the implications of the
deregulation of space endeavors.

Space: The Free-Market Frontier

Commercial space frontiers are already being explored. There are today
private launch services, satelites and broadcast modules. On the horizon
is the ability to collect energy and beam it back to earth. Radio Shack
plans to sponsor a lunar rover. Private citizens await space adventure
vacations. What are the free-market possibilities of space? Will they ever
be realized?

To see a complete agenda and speakers list, visit

The conference will be held in the Cato Institute’s F.A. Hayek Auditorium
in Washington, D.C.

Open remarks begin at 9:00 a.m, and the conference will be followed by a
reception at 5:15 pm.

Seating is limited. Register today.