The most recent spacecraft telemetry data was acquired from the Goldstone tracking station on Wednesday, 04/05. The Cassini spacecraft is in an excellent state of health and is operating normally.  On board activities included transition back to Reaction Wheel Mode to continue obtaining performance statistics and a clearing of the high water marks.  The speed of the spacecraft can be viewed on the "Where is Cassini Now?" web page ( "" )
Sequence development continues per schedule.  The preliminary Sequence Integration and Validation meeting was held for C19.  The Cassini Mission Planning Team started the redesign of sequence C21 to insert a three-week checkout period for new CDS flight software Version 7.
Mission Planning began its support of the Saturn Orbit Insertion Critical Sequence development effort spearheaded by the Spacecraft Office.
A Project Briefing was held this week on the contents of the Phase E portion of the Jupiter Subphase covering Jupiter closest approach to closest approach +15 days. The Program Manager approved the plan with constraints relating to sequence load size and the timing of product deliveries.  In addition, the Science Planning Virtual Team began implementation activities for the C23 sequence.  This sequence includes the Science Phase B, C, D, and E portions of the Jupiter Subphase.
Cassini Outreach met with various educational organizations throughout New Mexico on possible material collaboration, event coordination support, and general sessions.  Presentations and collaborative talks were held at the Robert Goddard Planetarium in Roswell, the New Mexico Space Grant Consortium in Las Cruces, the Space Center in Alamogordo, and the elementary science curriculum specialist for Santa Fe city schools.
Final updates to the Saturn Educator Guide have been delivered to Graphics. The guide is expected to be signed-off and delivered to a printer this week.
Mission Sequence Subsystem D7.1 was delivered to operations.
Cassini Outreach
Cassini Mission to Saturn and Titan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
National Aeronautics and Space Administration