The Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) today released a Request for Information (RFI) that seeks to identify animal models and cell-based models for use on the International Space Station (ISS) U.S. National Laboratory to improve understanding of human disease and drug screening. Based on responses to this RFI, CASIS plans to issue a future Request for Proposals (RFP) that will provide support for flight research on the ISS National Lab seeking to use animal or cell-based models in microgravity for human disease research that benefits life on Earth.

This RFI seeks to gather information from subject matter experts and entities with experience in human disease research, disease modeling, and translational medicine. The RFI asks these experts and entities to identify appropriate disease models for translational research in microgravity using animal models or cell-based models where outcomes may be extrapolated to homeostasis or disease in the whole animal. Specifically, CASIS is seeking to identify the best models that may accelerate space-based research in understanding human disease, identifying drug targets, and evaluating new therapeutics.

 CASIS works closely with its Science and Technology Advisory Panel to identify and support new pathways to microgravity research for the life science community. CASIS has previously issued two RFP’s in the life sciences (Protein Crystal Growth and Stem Cell Research) and has brokered research investigations with commercial pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions that are utilizing the ISS National Lab to better understand human physiology and disease. This RFI seeks to inform a future RFP that will build on the research portfolio that CASIS continues to expand in the life and physical sciences.

 “Through this RFI, CASIS hopes to better understand what researchers need to conduct world-class disease model research onboard the ISS,” said CASIS Director of Portfolio Management Warren Bates. “The responses we receive will enable increased use of ISS for research aimed at improving human health on Earth.”

The RFI will be open until 5pm EST on November 14, 2014. For additional information about this RFI, including instructions on submitting a white paper, please visit: